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How to deploy Radmin 2.2 on a large network

Any software deployment incurs considerable costs and generally the more complex the software, the higher the costs. "Deployment" is a military term and installing new software to 1200 different workstations is very like a military operation requiring thorough planning and swift execution.

Radmin breaks with this tradition. With Radmin, you have a signed peace treaty and the battlefields of old are transformed into prosperous marketplaces. Radmin enables you to remotely install new software applications and updates throughout the network within minutes, eliminating the need to visit each PC or server!

Radmin enables you to:

  • Save 90% of the time your staff spends installing software on PCs.
  • Stop distracting employees when installing new software.
  • Improve the quality and level of IT service inside your organization.

Radmin lets you create multiple distribution profiles. You may want to distribute the same software application, for example, with different installation options or features to different users. Radmin makes this very easy. Just use a logon script that includes a statement to install Radmin when each user logs on. To do this, use the msi package (available by download) and install Radmin as an application.

Radmin viewer doesn't need installation. Just copy the files Radmin.exe and help.hlp to a directory on the local computer.

Radmin server does need to be installed. Here is a sample script for Windows, that installs Radmin server as a system service on the computer. Change the file paths to your values. To execute the script on network computers, use logon scripts in Windows NT/Win2k/XP networks.

net use z: \\server\d
copy "z:\install\Radmin\r_server.exe" "c:\winnt\system32\r_server.exe"
copy "z:\install\Radmin\raddrv.dll" "c:\winnt\system32\raddrv.dll"
c:\winnt\system32\r_server.exe /install /silence
regedit.exe /s z:\install\settings.reg
net use z: /delete

This script comments:

  1. Maps a disk drive z: to \\server\d
  2. Copies Radmin server file to the Windows system directory.
  3. Copies Radmin video hook driver file to the Windows system directory.
  4. Installs Radmin server as a system service.
  5. Saves server settings to the registry.
  6. deletes the z: drive

Radmin server settings (tray icon options, port, logfile options, IP filter settings, password) are stored in the registry. You can copy these settings from one computer to another. To do this:

  • You need to define these settings on some computer, you can do it using the 'Settings for Remote Administrator server' from the Start menu.
  • Run regedit.exe and export the settings from the registry to a file such as settings.reg.


Save these settings from the file to the registry of the other computer by executing:

regedit.exe /s settings.reg

You can install Radmin through a network management software from other vendors (like ScriptLogic).

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