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Radmin Server 3 - Manual activation via Radmin Viewer

Use this procedure when you are at the local PC where Radmin Viewer 3 is installed and you can connect to the remote PC where Radmin Server 3 is running.

Step 1:Start Radmin Server 3 on the remote PC (Start > Programs > Radmin Server 3 > Start Radmin Server) and Radmin Viewer 3 on the local PC (Start > Programs > Radmin Viewer 3 > Radmin Viewer 3).
Step 2:Open the Radmin Viewer 3 window and connect to the remote PC where Radmin Server 3 is running in "License Code Transfer" mode.
Step 3:As shown in Figure 1:
  1. Fill in the field "Enter your license code" with the 30-character Radmin 3 License Key, including dashes.
  2. Choose "Manual activation".
  3. Select "Save request file".
  4. Generate a request file: click "Browse", select the location where you would like to save the file (we recommend using the computer name in the file name) and click the "Save" button.
  5. Then click "OK".image

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